It's been around for about 25 years and some of the UI is a bit creaky, but on the upside, it's pretty fast on modern desktops and it still gets regular updates. Brush strokes with 3D depth ("impasto") were introduced a long time ago, maybe late '90s.
If you are accustomed to seeing prints and photos and computer scans, it's easy to overlook how oil paint is like a sculpture. Watercolor, not so much.
Another "natural paint" painting program is ArtRage [1]. They have, bar none, the friendliest, most supportive discussion forums I've ever seen on the internet.
Oh yeah, the painting program's pretty good too :-)
This is very cool. One thing that I think could be improved: It looks like the model is treating the white background as if it is also paint. This leads to some weird results when painting over existing strokes.
Fantastic. One criticism. On click please make the paint "dip" and paint, and the paint on the brush should wear out. Then it'll really feel like painting. Click again is to re-dip in the color of choosing.
This will even let for mixing of colors like on a painter's palette.
To "really feel like painting" for me it would have to simulate spending hours with blue tape, spilling on my shoes, making multiple trips to home depot... sounds like a job for VR... ;)
Like MS Paint, but for VR. Interesting, the "websites" of VR will be worlds... I can totally see people throwing in this kinda stuff "just because wow new technology" in the same way that websites back in the 90s threw in snowflakes falling on the screen, custom pointers, epileptic lighting, audio, flash, etc.
I really hope web concepts move gracefully into VR. I suppose "immersive location" is just like a URL and full-VR experience is just another Content-Type.
Looks sweet, but the paint definitely continues sliding in the direction of the stroke for too long. Paint basically just sticks immediately where you put it, it doesn't have that type of momentum. Even at the lowest fluidity level.
So bizarre: I saw this post last Saturday, loved the site and's other pages, showed some friends... Then I could not find the HackerNews post again. Here it is now, yet it says it was posted within a day, with no history of being posted before. Odd...
Not surer why it's not showing when you search. I got here by using HN search for the URL and picking the one with more comments--both showed up for me.
See a history of fluid sim applied to watercolor-like painting:
A quick look at David Li's source code seems to suggest Li's work is based on Mark Harris' GPU implementation (with Jacobi iteration) of Jos Stam's method.
Reminds me of Verve. I watched the author's channel on Youtube religiously, hugely enjoying his video demos with each new release. Sad to say there hasn't been one in like 2 years.
Oohh! i was looking for this!
i remember seeing this a few years ago and being really impressed. It looks pretty good, although im not much of an artist so i dont know how it compares to the paid competition. The UI could use some work though.
it took me a while to figure out but im having a lot of fun with it. performs surprisingly well for me on only an intel integrated card.
Quite nice, though the paint colors don't combine like they do in this kind of oil painting. Can't make bob ross art without that. Also when you try to paint on the edges, the brush goes away, so its difficult to make a full picture without making it larger, and then cropping down.
This reminds me of Bob Ross and his "Happy Little Trees". I think I could paint some on here if the canvas were bigger, and there was an area off to the side to mix the paint.
I can't seem to create anything beautiful worth sharing with this. But damn, it is soothing and relaxing to play with. It feels almost therapeutic! Thank you!
It was hogging about 60% of one CPU core (Skylake i7) on my PC. Seems like it's re-drawing the screen at 60 fps even though nothing is happening. Should be an easy fix.
That's a pretty common HSL-style color picker. It's great for artists and designers who think in those terms. Curious, do you have much experience in graphic design, or no?
It makes sense for artists, designers and painters included. This simulation looks like oil paint, and this type of color picker is like mixing pigment to get a hue and then mixing in black and white to change the saturation and value. I guess that makes sense seeing as this is a paint simulation! (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015) (Adobe demo)