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I am author of The Tao of tmux, a book I just finished a few weeks ago. You can read it publicly at https://leanpub.com/the-tao-of-tmux/read.

One of the things I stress in my book is that there is no "correct" way to use tmux. The approach I take to teaching tmux is separating it into its objects: The server, sessions, windows and panes. Then where they stand in relation to one another, how configurations work, and then leave some examples of usage available to the user so they can pick out work flows they may like.

I'm sort of against the approach of just throwing a config / toolkit at someone a la oh-my-zsh and spf13-vim (even though I think they're ok after you've learned to customize yourself). The gift of allowing someone to wrap their brain around something will let the rest come to them.

Out of curiosity: Why do you write a book and let it be read publicly if you sell it as well? Why should somebody buy a book when all the content is available for free? Is this done to create some awareness for the book and thus to improve SEO (e.g. generating good backlinks, etc.). And later you restrict the public available content once SEO backlink power is generated?

Our of curiosity 2: Are you happy with the sales, how many books could you sell already (if you don't mind to tell us)? Would you write again a book about a console-based app?

Out of curiosity 3: Are you happy with Leanpub?


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