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>The problem is, my terminal already has a concept of scrolling, and its own concept of a buffer, with its own concept of keeping unlimited contents based on available memory, etc.

Perhaps try iTerm2 (for Mac) native tmux integration. You can have tmux panes and split panes that are (and behave like) regular terminal panes and tabs.

That program is so disgustingly good it was almost the sole reason I bought this generations macbook pro.

If any terminal emulator programmers are listening cough konsolecough please consider following the same method of integration <3

"You can have tmux panes and split panes that are (and behave like) regular terminal panes and tabs."

What's the advantage of that exactly?

Proper fucking scrolling?

Less terminal behavior that needs to be multiplexed by tmux?

More integration with other iTerm features (instead of tmux panes being agnostic to them)?

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