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We use Cesium in a couple applications. We actually generated some imagery and terrain datasets using open-source tools in 2014.

In late 2015, I spent a couple weeks researching GIS data conversion utilities, Cesium's formats, and potential improved source datasets we could use to generate higher-quality imagery and terrain data. I can't haul out the relevant writeup atm, but I concluded that the EarthEnv DEM90 dataset appeared to be highest-quality free terrain source I could find ([0]), and the TrueMarble collection was the best free imagery source ([1]).

I generated our earlier terrain dataset using the Cesium-Terrain-Builder utility ([2]). It generates Cesium's "heightmap" format, but does not yet support the "quantized-mesh" format. I have seen a couple other tools that appear to deal with quantized-mesh tiles, though. On my list to dig into at some point.

As a related note, using the MBTiles format ([3]) for storing and moving tile datasets around is great. Multiple gigabytes in a single SQLite database file (or possibly a few files split by zoom level), rather than trying to move around millions of individual 10KB images on disk. Highly recommended.

[0] http://www.earthenv.org/DEM.html

[1] http://www.unearthedoutdoors.net/global_data/true_marble/dow...

[2] https://github.com/geo-data/cesium-terrain-builder

[3] https://www.mapbox.com/help/an-open-platform/

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