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    > Callback hell is a gift that forces you to
    > refactor code until it's easy to understand
That doesn't sound like a gift to me. Unless you meant they are so painful as an abstraction that they gifted us with promises and then async/await.

Almost everyone here has worked with callbacks and you'll be hard-pressed to find people that felt like they improved the code base.

Just tiny changes to the logic, like an if-statement with branching async behavior, would cause disproportionally large changes in the callback structure, pretty much touching every line/indentation.

The rest of your post is really negative and judgmental. Not sure why you felt it was necessary.

Oh, sorry... in editing I forgot the bit about where promises fit in the framework/app paradigm. Added a paragraph.

refactoring is better then an extra if and argument. and force you to understand the code and result in less bugs.

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