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Git-recall - Simple and handy tool to easily recall what you've done (github.com/fakerr)
105 points by Fakerr on Jan 29, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

I just use tig, I don't see this adding much over it.

Thanks, I hadn't heard of tig before now.


Anyway, having alternatives is a good thing, thanks for this to its author :)

Yep, its in most Linux repos :)

What does this offer that tig doesn't?

When I saw the name I thought it was about "recalling" as in a product recall, i.e. reverting.

Nice one. Don't want to hack your post but I made something similar sometime ago https://github.com/kamranahmedse/git-standup

it does all of git-recall stuff (excluding diff) plus

- Multi repository usage

- Specify directory search depth

- Checking someone else's commits

- Commits from n days ago

- Changing the date format


- Changing the Weekdays (e.g. SUN-THU)

- Fetch commits before showing standup

Nice. Is there something that it can do, that [tig](https://jonas.github.io/tig/) can't do?

I believe tig [1] and gitk [2] are the standard tools for doing this. Either the author did not know about them or he did wrote anyway as a fun project.


[1] https://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/05/git-tig/

[2] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitk.html

This seems very similar to the (quite popular?) git-standup script.


As someone that often works across multiple projects, I find the ability to do a recursive search through a directory of git repositories very valuable.

I've been using git-standup for a while: https://github.com/kamranahmedse/git-standup

Seems similar.

Excellent. I added your link to the GitAlias README at https://github.com/gitalias/gitalias

git log --oneline --since=Yesterday --author=[whoever] works pretty well, but the navigable menu-style interface of this does look interesting.

May I suggest to add the --name-status flag? It clearly shows which files you touched, which I often find quite useful.

This is cool. Is there any tool to get some kind of interesting stats like number of commits, your commit frequency, how much code you have changed, what are your "productive hours" and things like that.

I have no suggestions for the latter two, but number of commits / user / repo is doable in vanilla git:

  git shortlog -n -s

Also, check out the '--shortstat' flag available to commands such as diff and log.

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