I think besides the failure of the system and the people to keep the politicians in check for gerrymandering, the main issue is that the districting system hasn't done a good job of keeping up with population growth. Therefor my proposed solution would be to increase representation and more districts, albeit smaller ones.
The main problem with this I foresee is lack of room on Capitol Hill, but perhaps congress really doesn't need to be on Capitol Hill considering modern technology. With the added Benefit that Kstreet would have a much higher barrier to entry this way, and through a more decentralized structure, we would end up with a more egalitarian system.
The main problem with this I foresee is lack of room on Capitol Hill, but perhaps congress really doesn't need to be on Capitol Hill considering modern technology. With the added Benefit that Kstreet would have a much higher barrier to entry this way, and through a more decentralized structure, we would end up with a more egalitarian system.