An important aspect of the infosec philosophy my employer pushes is "blast radius". If you assume you will be compromised then you want to ensure as little data as possible ends up in that compromise.
Coupled with the opportunity for things like mass assignment vulnerabilities (i <3 the strong params pattern on rails) I am a little perturbed by the notion of my data being housed next to other customers. If that customer is a more attractive target, and a compromise is found, now I'm just along for the ride.
That all said, I'm not well appraised of what problem Citus Data is solving -- so maybe I've just read this wrong?
Coupled with the opportunity for things like mass assignment vulnerabilities (i <3 the strong params pattern on rails) I am a little perturbed by the notion of my data being housed next to other customers. If that customer is a more attractive target, and a compromise is found, now I'm just along for the ride.
That all said, I'm not well appraised of what problem Citus Data is solving -- so maybe I've just read this wrong?