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> it yields detail clear down to local offices

It has city councils, but it doesn't have any local districts. In Sunnyvale, you are also being represented on at least the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District[1], the El Camino Health Care District[2], and the Santa Clara Valley Water District[3]. If you are curious how I figured this out, I went to the Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation website, which has an interactive mapping tool[4].

[1] http://www.openspace.org/about-us/election-information

[2] https://www.elcaminohealthcaredistrict.org/governance

[3] http://www.valleywater.org/About/BoardOfDirectors.aspx

[4] http://www.santaclaralafco.org/maps

Just as a heads up to people using this (and the creators), it also appears to be missing the thousands of elected school board members that make decisions for school districts

Having an exhaustively thorough scope of all elective offices, rather than the most-sought subset, magnifies the task tenfold or more, especially if that data isn't already available to them in their existing sources. Such critiques strike me as unduly harsh.

This is a great website, but the title claims to find "everyone" who represents you, but it doesn't. Its a good product decision to limit the scope, but the title needs to be clear about the limitations.

It is important that people know the breadth of government if only as a civil exercise.

Why do so much work and post on HN instead of sending them a quick mail?

To be fair, chances are the website makers are going to go through every single Hacker news comment anyway.

We've been lurking...

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I don't think the people who make this website don't know this is a limitation, and I especially don't think that they have some database they are hand editing with new information I might provide on this thread: my comment and information (which also wasn't "so much work": it took a few minutes; I attended a couple years of meetings of the Santa Barbara LAFCO and so I know how this stuff all works) is only relevant in the context of this thread as a reply to the comment making the website sound more local than it really is?

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