"Because of course building one's economy matters more than screwing the planet we all live on ?"
What a disgusting remark. Your entitlement and privilege are showing, never mind your lack of appreciation for geopolitical context and the lives of others outside of your comfortable bubble. Climate alarmism may feel good to the self-righteous, but it is unproductive and has been used to justify all kinds of despicable tactics by the powerful. There are a number of intertwined concerns that any charitable and fair-minded person would take into account before sowing baseless condemnation. I've already given some reasons why Poland is dependent on coal above. For Poland, energy independence is also a matter of national security. Coal also forms the economic base for Silesia. If climate change is so serious, then why don't you direct your pitchfork at the largest economies in the world that have been dragging their feet in these areas yet have the wealth to actual do something about it. Pull the plank out of your own eye before looking for splinters in the eyes of others.
Even some numbers might be missing, you cannot argue fact, that producing electricity from clean sources is viable. It's just matter of first accepting the fact burning coal to produce electricity is bad and second take actions to shift towards clean energy production. However most advocates here seems to be stuck on point one (acceptance). Take look at Norway again. They produce 20 GW from hydro. It must be more they consume. I don't need more examples to stress out the fact that 100% clean energy production is viable.
What a disgusting remark. Your entitlement and privilege are showing, never mind your lack of appreciation for geopolitical context and the lives of others outside of your comfortable bubble. Climate alarmism may feel good to the self-righteous, but it is unproductive and has been used to justify all kinds of despicable tactics by the powerful. There are a number of intertwined concerns that any charitable and fair-minded person would take into account before sowing baseless condemnation. I've already given some reasons why Poland is dependent on coal above. For Poland, energy independence is also a matter of national security. Coal also forms the economic base for Silesia. If climate change is so serious, then why don't you direct your pitchfork at the largest economies in the world that have been dragging their feet in these areas yet have the wealth to actual do something about it. Pull the plank out of your own eye before looking for splinters in the eyes of others.