I've read a few of these and agree. Zero to One, I really enjoyed this when I read it. Sapiens was also fantastic, I want to re-read it.
I also got Grokking Algorithms this year. I already have a few denser algorithm books, but I really liked this one for the basics. I bought it as a refresher that wouldn't be as dry as reading CLRS, and because I've been recently helping a friend who is beginning a CS degree.
> Mastering Selenium WebDriver. This is probably the only good book on Selenium among so many bad books on this topic.
I have to work with Selenium a lot, and you're right, there are so many terrible books and articles about Selenium. I'm going to look into this one, thanks.
I also got Grokking Algorithms this year. I already have a few denser algorithm books, but I really liked this one for the basics. I bought it as a refresher that wouldn't be as dry as reading CLRS, and because I've been recently helping a friend who is beginning a CS degree.
> Mastering Selenium WebDriver. This is probably the only good book on Selenium among so many bad books on this topic.
I have to work with Selenium a lot, and you're right, there are so many terrible books and articles about Selenium. I'm going to look into this one, thanks.