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For me requiring that would be the same as kicking me off the platform.

How so?

Because it is MY source code, I don't want to send it anywhere. (Yes I do use GitHub/Bitbucket, only for public code)

Eh, is it? If users buy the app, why shouldn't they also get the source with it?

Ethically, and morally, requiring the source to be available might be good.

For him, and imagine how Microsoft or Google would feel if they have to submit their source code to Apple...

Well, it is only client-side code though. Yes, it'd require some discipline to have proper separation so there is no leakage but I imagine it can be done.

to be clear, this is the reaction I anticipated when I wrote the gp. I don't think this is a cut and dried topic. I was merely expressing one side of the argument.

I don't think Apple compiling and signing binaries changes much when it comes to the average user and their security and trust model. It is my impression that Apple could easily intercept any keyboard input if they wanted to and frankly I wouldn't put it beyond the people at some other companies like Facebook or LinkedIn but I don't think we have found any good reason to lose faith in Apple's (or Google's) ability and will to do the right thing. Of course, ideally the idea of Trust No One is great but at some point you have to trust someone because who can read all the lines of all the code in the world?

I don't think Apple needs access to the source code to do things it needs to do. I was just saying that they have enough clout that the platform iOS has a solid foundation and can weather the storm that would inevitably rise from such a divisive decision.

That's kinda how the web works.

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