I work for a large healthcare organization and multiple times have seen group messages instructing staff not to use surveymonkey since the data was hosted in the States, and something about the Patriot act allowing US authorities to view the data without warrants or something.
I work in education, and in BC we have the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) that stops us from using anything good. SurveyMonkey just went and bought a Canadian run survey company and moved all the servers, we had to drop our contracts... everyone is left without anything.
We def can't use Dropbox, Google Docs/Drive, anything above Office 2010. Slack is frowned upon even. It is kind of brutal.
Why would FIPPA affect Office versions past 2010? 2013, 2015 and 2016 are available as standalone (non-365 subscription) versions, and regardless of your purchase model (subscription, retail, volume, etc) you can still store documents locally.
Hi all, I'm the CPO and founder of www.surveypal.com and I just got a tip to comment on this thread. We have been working hard for the last months to get all our servers up and running in Canada and we finally went live two weeks ago. Go check us out and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Our contact info is on the website.
Our organization purchased a license with Survey Select (https://selectsurvey.net/). I've used it a bunch of times and it seems very powerful but not user friendly (very complicated UI/UX).
I recommend reaching out to other health organizations within Canada as they often collect survey data internally. For example, surveys get used for feedback for presentations/educational sessions all the time. With the exception of Alberta, all provinces have separate health authorities which would mean separate contracts/sales cycles etc, however they are usually of large size so it would be worth it financially.