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Seems a bit unreasonable to ask students (who likely already have tons of debt) to purchase an additional laptop just to take exams.

Yes, it does. On the other hand, though, you can get a cheap Windows laptop for less than some college text books.

Well, that's not saying very much, considering the whole thing with college text books. My last gaming rig literally cost less than my wife's textbooks last year.

You might be a bit out of date here. Textbooks are absurdly expensive these days relative to computers; Stewart's "Calculus" is $289[0], for example. That's about the right range for a new low end laptop or a used mid-range laptop.

[0] https://www.amazon.com/Calculus-James-Stewart/dp/1285740629/

Perhaps. But 1) you can rent that book for a fraction of the price (Amazon currently shows it for ~$60) and 2) just because students have to pay for expensive books doesn't mean they have extra money to spend on a second computer.

Some universities loan students laptops for free for like a week.

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