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no doubt, you raise an excellent point--mvp is somewhat vague, hard to quantify, and there's no universal answer so unfortunately the answer is it depends on the idea/product/lifecycle. chances are if you're still trying to get a feel for a market, this could be an entirely new market, one that doesn't quite exist, or an existing one with incumbents, like airbnb as an example, an mvp could be like a simple mobile app with login (not even oauth based for facebook/twitter/google), listings, a way to book, and bill. don't implement user feedback on listings where they've stayed, don't implement icons for users, forgotten password is an email to support, etc, i'm sure you could find a million things that are needed, but what are the essentials for getting people to use your app satisfying some specific needs (crashing at a complete stranger's place). each feature doesn't really need all the bells and whistles, enough to get people to start using the basics. your assumptions and hypotheses about how the market would leverage this tool could be entirely off, so you might need to change direction (pivot more or less) and you'd need to get to this conclusion asap, sooner rather than later, etc. if you spent a year coding something you think would be perfect for a market you are defining or discovering, this could be a large waste of time, so fail fast as they say.

in your case, you seem to be quite clear about what you need, what the competitors have and don't have. but let me play devil's advocate because i don't know how much effort "[rendering] tables" would take or how much you've put in the past year, but let's just say you could put something out there in 6 months time as opposed to 12 months time, it probably will have some table rendering, not 100%, but do you think that would be advantageous or not?

thanks for the footnotes, much appreciated and good luck with your app!

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