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>Unless your point is actually "think big, but build in small, manageable pieces", but if that's your argument, that wasn't how I understood it.

Unfortunately, that was exactly my point!

I've made a modification to my original comment: I've italicized the word "approach" now, to emphasize that this is just the kind of attitude you should have.

Basically, my main point is that if you don't overengineer a perfect and very ambitious solution, you're unlikely to ship anything - but if you do, then you are more likely to ship it, even though obviously you will start shipping some small part only.

It would be interesting if there were some way to do a double-blind experiment, giving a thousand people a couple of different approaches and to see who ends up shipping :).

in short, I'm saying, by targeting something huge and overengineered, you are more likely to ship something (anything at all) - versus targeting a minimum; which leaves you less likely to ship anything worthwhile. I am not saying by targeting something huge and overengineered, you are going to ship something huge and overengineered. Rather, that you will end up shipping a small part of it. (And that this approach is better than the alternative.)

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