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The Enron E-mail Simulator (enron.email)
23 points by acdanger on Dec 6, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I never realize all their e-mails were public domain. I've been working on an article that references Enron. It's one of those big busts that people seem to have forgotten about. It was about the same time as the MCI/WorldCom disaster as well.

It's probably worth noting that depending on your mail plan, the 30 day option may overwhelm your mail service, and even the one year option may push it, depending who you're with.

I'm not really sure what you'd do with 16,000 Enron emails a day anyways.

Your mail plan? I don't dare to try, but is there a verification in place?

I would hope, if not, oh boy.


It's 500K emails, there is a download on that page.

I didn't know that their emails were public domain. This is very cool. It must be a treasure trove of data.

I wonder if they can really deliver these this way though. I would think their IP addresses would get black-listed for spamming almost immediately. Anybody know what stack they're using for delivering thousands of emails a day?

"more than 500,00 [sic] emails"

Whether its actually 50k or 500k, you are asking for a deluge.

At 16,000 a day across 30 days, we can figure that it's intended to be 500,000. And while the about page does say 50,000, the actual main link does show the proper 500,000 figure.

This sounds hilarious, but you can't possibly read all of them.

I've manually reviewed around 35-40k of them as part of various document coding exercises used to validate eDiscovery models. There's some good stuff in there, but the bulk of it is general office communication that gets dull fast.

Eh, on the seven year plan, it's feasible, though it will still feel like the most spammy mailing list you've ever joined in your life.

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