Your significant other needs to have a hobby too... Help her or him find something that takes some time every day (my girlfriends paints and reads -a lot-, for example).
I always think these comments are jokes. Are people serious?
I was thinking about skipping the Global Game Jam this year, and of all people, my girlfriend is the one who keeps saying that I should take the weekend off and do it anyway.
Admittedly we aren't married yet but I hope that will not change the part where she supports my hobbies!
Is this "What a single developer can do over two years of 80-hr/week work", or is it "What a single developer can do in their spare time over a few weeks"?
There's an export option in Unity by default to turn your game into a packaged application. Tons of indie games harness this to create platform-specific binaries. There's even an export option for HTML 5/WebGL if you're into that.