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I'm not convinced that they can crank out a webOS tablet before the second generation iPad arrives. At that time it will be too late.

I own a 3G iPhone, but Apple's recent moves and policies around the appstore and their platforms has made me choose Android for my next phone. I simply cannot support a company like Apple and the direction they are taking computing with my money.

For that same reason, whoever comes out first with a more open tablet PC while still having a nice finish will get my money. Whatever happens I'm definitely not getting an iPad.

This, ofcourse is just me and my opinion, but it seems Apple has provoked quite a few people lately and with Android and other alternative platforms catching up (even Winmo!) I see Apple losing momentum here.

It might be unwise to underestimate Apple, but I say it would be unwise of Apple to underestimate the (continuous) PR-disaster the iPhone and AppStore has been to them the last few years.

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