Pretty much everyone I knew who wasn't an engineer has had their parents help them somehow after college. Between the cost of buying/renting a place and paying off student loans it seems that you need a lot of money to be financially independent and the job market isn't great for many college graduates.
Even as an engineer I needed a loan for relocation from my parents. My job paid to relocate me but it was just a reimbursement and I didn't have the money for a cross-country move up front.
While nothing beats getting an interest-free loan from your parents, this is something you could put on a credit card - especially if you're able to pay it back it back with your first few paychecks before any interest accrues. (Assuming, of course, you can get a card with a decent credit limit while still a student.)
Unfortunately, a lot of those kinds of expenses are precisely the ones that you can't float on credit as easily, and must have cash in hand (or in check) to cover. I've never rented anywhere that would let you pay a security deposit or first-month's rent on a card. Even things like movers often enough have worked on a cash or check basis, in my experience.
In 2010, when I graduated, it was still real hard to get a rental office to take a credit card. And $1500 + $1K in moving expenses + $1K in furniture would have been prohibitive on the $2K credit-limit card I was able to get as a college student.
I paid it back pretty quickly, because tech job, but I couldn't have floated it.