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1. You can boot and use virtually all the hardware, H.265 hardware video decoding included with a fully libre stack. The Raspberry Pi is unlikely to ever be able to do that. Never tried the Allwinner Android builds, mainly cause they are unmaintained.

2. You've got space to work with, you are not limited in terms of space. Feature wise I and many others don't want to make the sacrifices [1] to use a smaller libc, I did it when developing an application on Angstrom using a BBB and I never ever want to do it again.

4. How would you get secure, verifiable images to people by default across every major platform? We all know 99% of the people who both the C.H.I.P. are NOT going to be bothered to verify the signatures by hand, and even then how do you ensure the signatures are from Next Thing Co? A Chrome Extension solves this.

[1] - http://www.etalabs.net/compare_libcs.html

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