How do you get marijuana from haash? I know the word "hash" in marijuana terms, but I associate the word more with hashing a password (or maybe hash browns) than with drugs.
I like the name. At least I remembered it easily enough that I was able to give the name to a coworker 1hr later. To me it sounds related to hashing passwords and to the DigitalOcean inspiration, which is enough to remember it. People will remember it, it's short, the domain name is available, the only drawback is the collision with Ha-ash the music band, and not being at the top of Google when searching for "haash". But that will change, right ;) ?
Yeah we hope so. FYI, the origin of the name go back to our early days with ruby, A hash table (hash map) is actually a data structure used to implement an associative array (see Basically a collection of data in our case product information.