I don't think I've ever seen a three-prong outlet in Japan (maybe only new installations?), but "earth screws" are quite common (any room prepared for an air conditioner will have one at least) http://www.hakusui-trading.co.jp/safety/img/img02.jpg
Just guessing here but I think it's to allow easy grounding of old appliances and other equipment that might risk contact with electricity but are not grounded by default. Metal frame desk as example.
I think it's just a legacy thing - historically, the only things that needed grounding were static appliances like fridges, washing machines and air conditioners. The manual in our fridge has this instruction for earthing http://mayoyo.tokyo/jIe.jpg
I need to revise my comment that "I don't think I've ever seen a three-prong outlet in Japan", because now that I have power sockets on my mind, I just saw a three-prong outlet at my gym. So I guess newer buildings have them.
They're starting to become more common in newer apartments. For some reason my apartment has one outlet panel with two of the three-prong outlets, but the rest are two-prong. Except for the air conditioner and laundry machine sockets, which have the earth screw like you described.