is the website of the [People's Daily][1], which is a longstanding, official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party. Not figuratively or in the sense of having a slant or something, but it's literally the Party's official newspaper.
It's tempting to equate it to Voice of America, but even VoR is managed quite differently. There's not a direct equivalent in the US press, because the systems work differently.
There is probably an analogy to the early days of US democracy, where the newspapers were just owned by major politicians or their leg-breakers. The Adams-Jefferson contest in Congress was apparently conducted largely through newspapers hosing each other in bile.
What you don't seem to realize is this: Depending on what they are reporting on, papers like the NYT, Reuters, etc, are quite literally official newspapers of the US govt.
And that applies not just to newspapers, but also to TV and radio stations.
That's not what I've read above. It seems to me that some on this thread are saying they distrust science (and therefore science reporting) out of China because of the low quality of historical science and science journalism from China.
Kadin's comment, which I replied to, never mentioned anything about science or science reporting. He only talked about press in general and made the point that since the news organization is not trustworthy, any news out of it can't be trusted. You were the only one talking about science reporting out of all the comments in the whole thread. That's kind of irrelevant to the specific discussion.
Edit: Or are you saying the science news reporting from are separated from the political reporting and thus can be trusted? You were making the point that science reporting and political reporting are different. is the website of the [People's Daily][1], which is a longstanding, official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party. Not figuratively or in the sense of having a slant or something, but it's literally the Party's official newspaper.
It's tempting to equate it to Voice of America, but even VoR is managed quite differently. There's not a direct equivalent in the US press, because the systems work differently.