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enjoy your vote :-(

We lost months ago, when the DNC rammed Clinton through over Sanders.

EDIT: You simply cannot say it was the peoples' fault for not voting for her (pick someone electable next time); she had her choice between picking between what was best for her and what was best for the country, and we all lost because she was selfish.

I hope Sanders supporters step up and begin purging DNC incumbents in down ballot races. It is the only way forward.

EDIT 2: Sanders vs Trump polling: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/ge...



And regardless how useless polling appears to be, its impossible to say that Sanders was a less liked candidate than either Clinton or Trump.

Exactly. Sanders was the only decent candidate.

I'm not sure Sanders ever had a chance of winning the general election. He's pretty far to the left of the American center.

Counterpoint: Trump won the general election.

This was never about left vs. right but about overturning the status quo.

It would have been about left vs. right if Sanders had been the nominee, since neither of them was a status quo candidate. Sanders has ardent supporters, but not very many of them.

Both Wisconsin and Michigan went for Sanders in the primary, both very unexpectedly, and then went heavily towards Trump in the general. Sanders would've easily won.

In Wisconsin, maybe. Easily won the general? I'd bet money against that. I think he'd be crushed.

i can and do say it's the people's fault.

Then people should've been outraged when the DNC put the fix in on Sanders.

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