You're right that it's not that odd. I was pandering a little to readers who might otherwise be open to Po Bronson and alternative child-rearing theories, but have biases against Gingrich based on a partisan caricature of him.
But, Gingrich is a former college professor and sometimes-member of a political establishment which usually emphasizes more high-school-graduations, and more people going to college. So it is a little odd (and brave) for Gingrich to advocate a change in thinking that, practically, could mean fewer traditional K-12 high school diplomas granted, and lower traditional college enrollment.
He's breaking a political taboo, the simpleminded idea that more years-of-schooling is always better. That's a little odd for someone who might have presidential ambitions.
One thing I've noted is that a rare number of politicians, like Gingrich and Al Gore, have the ability to see above and beyond the short term political context and the courage to act on what they see. Both of them have an uncommon amount of wisdom and intellect and an inclination to break from conventional thinking.
But, Gingrich is a former college professor and sometimes-member of a political establishment which usually emphasizes more high-school-graduations, and more people going to college. So it is a little odd (and brave) for Gingrich to advocate a change in thinking that, practically, could mean fewer traditional K-12 high school diplomas granted, and lower traditional college enrollment.
He's breaking a political taboo, the simpleminded idea that more years-of-schooling is always better. That's a little odd for someone who might have presidential ambitions.