I guess you are talking about the website? Because the product couldn't possible be more different than the iMac, if any the product feels like an iteration over the Dell XPS 27 line
yeah. I haven't used and won't probably use this device but marketing wise, it's exactly same as what Apple does. that makes sense to get downvotes though since 99% of this thread's audiences are Microsoft zombies :)
I am writing this on a MacBook Pro so I don't describe myself as a Microsoft zombie (I didn't downvote you either) and I find this machine way more appealing than an iMac.
I have a marketing filter in my mind so I couldn't care less about the design of the website.
true, a friend of mine is using Surface 4 and he's really happy. as I said, I'm not sure how good or bad this device is but at least marketing wise, they are doing exactly same as Apple.