Meatier also uses Babel, React and Node.js except that it has been around for almost a year and is already stable.
They've already solved all the difficult issues like realtime pagination, authentication, GraphQL, etc...
I haven't really looked into meatier in great depth, so correct me if anything I say is a false assumption.
Meatier, as the name suggests, seems to be fundamentally "meatier" than next.js. It's coming from the same monolithic mindset as Meteor, and despite leading with the intro "... but without the monolithic structure", the general architectural thinking still appears to reflect that.
It makes a lot of decisions for you (express, rethinkdb, graphql, redux, etc. - it's production dependency list is gargantuan). You've phrased this as "they've already solved all the difficult issues", but many may see it as "they've removed a lot of choice and flexibility". It's a matter of perspective: the meatier docs do admit it's "overkill" for certain applications.
Next.js, apart from the inclusion of glamor, seems to pretty much largely leave you to your own architectural and library preferences.
Meatier also uses Babel, React and Node.js except that it has been around for almost a year and is already stable. They've already solved all the difficult issues like realtime pagination, authentication, GraphQL, etc...