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Then again, his brain is part of the computer that is supposed to calculate the question, so maybe his random thought was not really random.

Strictly speaking, his brain is descended from a population that crash-landed on the computer some two million years ago so it's an open question whether it's even part of the matrix.

7 == representation of divinity

6 == what comes short of divinity, i.e., humankind (the number of man)

666 == emphatic rejection of the influence of the divine in humankind's affairs

42 == 6 * 7, the product of interaction of the divine with humankind, being the most elevated object in creation -- the understanding of this interaction is the ultimate answer, Douglas Adams stumbled on it

> 666 == emphatic rejection of the influence of the divine in humankind's affairs

Not really related I suppose, but in Judaism 666 has exactly the opposite meaning. The three sizes represent: the number of days it took to create the world, the 6 cardinal directions (NSEWUD), and the numerical value of one of the letters of gods name.

So in other words 666 is a number that represents the creation of the world.

And 4 == number of corners in 4 corner simultaneous world time cube. Or something.

A cube has 8 vertices, not 4.

Duh, it's a planar cube!

A two-dimensional hypercube.

A Hypocube?


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