It wasn't a ghost pepper, but I once at a small green pepper that was so hot that my tastebuds kind of short circuited, and all I could taste was roses. After a few seconds of that, stye came back online with the excruciating burn of a very hot pepper, but for about 3 seconds, I could have sworn I had eaten a rose.
Very tangentially related, I once tasted a experimental whiskey which was explicitly made to be just about as smokey as possible.
Which my brain - to my astonishment - interpreted as the smell of particular kind of very fine dry sand, on a varm day. It was hilariously wierd to drink a liquid and not get any taste sensation, or even any significant feeling of imbibing a liquid for that matter. Never has 1cl of liquor made me as giddy as that one time :)
When I was about 10, I was down in Mexico doing some volunteer work. Someone gave me a small green pepper. I bit into it, and it was incredibly juicy. I remember feeling a burst of stars in my mouth, a short pleasant flavor, numbness, and then a feeling like a firecracker went off in my mouth. I drank a lot of water, but my mouth burned for a solid hour.