> "Mathspeak" is not supposed to be intuitive to outsiders
Isn't that antithetical to the entire concept of an organized science? As I understand we're meant to make commutative models of the world around us that have predicative properties. If it's not possible to easily communicate your model, then there isn't much of a point in using the terminology.
Think back to Newton's notations of calculus. They are improper and poor ways to demonstrate the information that is being spoken about [0]. I don't know anyone who doesn't actually use Leibniz's notations.
I don't think anyone can convince me that "Mathspeak" should be unintuitive.
Isn't that antithetical to the entire concept of an organized science? As I understand we're meant to make commutative models of the world around us that have predicative properties. If it's not possible to easily communicate your model, then there isn't much of a point in using the terminology.
Think back to Newton's notations of calculus. They are improper and poor ways to demonstrate the information that is being spoken about [0]. I don't know anyone who doesn't actually use Leibniz's notations.
I don't think anyone can convince me that "Mathspeak" should be unintuitive.
[0] - ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notation_for_differentiation#Newton.27s_notation