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Your component's logic is all presentation logic. You may want to break it even further but it's not a real separation (you still have logic in your templates via `v-if` and `v-for`, don't you?). Data, in both React and Vue, lives outside the component.

'For' and 'if' are very basic operations which have equivalent CSS constructs and play extremely well with HTML presentation. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying its a total non issue for designing presentations. Without it, you cannot present modern data (JSON).

So whose preventing you from only using the same basic structures when embedding it like JSX, with Javascript? I don't see why learning a different syntax for the templates improves anything you say. The for loop does not look any better/easier just because you slightly change the way you write it, but you now depend on yet another language.

What's preventing me? My preference for a different kind of separation between data and presentation. No one right or wrong here, just a matter of taste :)

  > separation between data and presentation
That makes no sense. Reminder: We were talking about Javascript vs. custom template language - both are programming languages. One more limited than the other, but that is when I asked why you don't just use the same subset of Javascript. Just variables and basic loops, for example. You have the exact same things in the template language!

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