Ok well, in my free time, I was reading learnyouahaskell.com (Which, by the way, is pretty great but a bit slow-ish if you aren't new in the functional way of thinking).
And I was kind of anticipating monads since I keep hearing that they just blow your mind and are hard to understand. So, I was happy to read this article and found it quite good actually :) Good job to the author.
Here's how I can summarize it: monads are a kind of pattern which "implements" ">>=" and "return" as a Int implements "eq" or "ord". The job of >>= is to act a little bit like the Null Pointer pattern in the OO world. For instance, if everything is ok, it returns the good value else it throws an exception or return an error value. However, to use the >>= function, you need to encapsulate your first value. Depending of monads, that "encapsulated" value may be different. In this article, we were working with the Maybe type, however, monads can be of any type. So, the "return" function takes care of encapsulating the value in the right type so that the >>= function can use it.
Anyhow, that's what I understood ;-) And I'll continue to read learnyouhaskell.com
I don't know, I read all these painful explanations of what monads are...combined with more stretches of the imagination to explain plausible uses for them. In the end, the authors achieve neither, with me.
I tend to write these off with "yeah, in my 20s and early 30s whilst in graduate Comp. Sci. schooling I enjoyed all this esoteric crap, too". :-)
I think that "Overridable semicolon" captures most of what a monad is and why you'd want to use it. Imagine that the compiler provided a hook into the language so that you could pass around statements (the monad type), a means to convert an expression to a statement (return), and the semicolon operator that combines two statements (>>=). And then instead of implicitly letting you do anything in a statement, it required that you explicitly program the effects of that statement into the semicolon operator.
The simplest possible semicolon is one that lets you do anything, including interact with the outside environment. That's the IO monad. But you could also have a semicolon that limits your side-effects to one particular area of memory - that's the State monad. Or you could have one that doesn't execute any of the following statements if an error occurs - that's an exception monad. Or you could have one that attempts to atomically execute a bunch of statements that may read & write from a block of memory, but if that memory is changed by another thread, the effects are all rolled back and tried again. That's the STM (software transactional memory) approach to concurrency. Or you could have one that sends a webpage to the user's browser with an HTML representation of the state, waits for a response, and then executes the rest of the statements. That's the approach taken by WASH, one of the Haskell web frameworks.
It's a powerful tool, because it's basically rewriting the fundamentals of how the language works. And because of that, very few people ever have a reason to create a new monad type, which is why examples tend to fall flat. It also interacts heavily with other Haskell features, eg. you don't get this correspondence between monads and statements without Haskell's do-notation, and you can't use them to affect control flow without lazy evaluation, and they become very difficult to reason about without a static type system.
In any case, monads are just what he said, a design pattern. I dislike the over-application of patterns as much as anyone does, but recognizing common abstractions is one of the parts of programming that separates the men from the boys.
Monads just get a lot of attention because the pattern is super useful in certain situations, like pure functional programming.
This is mostly because the monad abstraction is mostly useless in non-lazy languages. It's more useful in lazy languages because objects with monadic types can then be written self-referentially without trouble. It also hurts that Java and C++ syntax is extremely specialized towards avoiding the use of abstractions.
C++ may be overly complex but it is in an entirely different league than Java in terms of syntactical abstractions that you can implement on top of it.
That's true. But there's still a syntactic cost and a cognitive cost to making useful abstractions that can be much less verbosely and more comfortably made in other languages. And I find myself going with less clean designs because of it.
C++ has operator overloading, but surely that can't put in an "entirely different league"… Were you talking about template abominations like the ones in boost?
Yes, in my view, languages supporting operator overloading, macros and first class functions are in a completely different league than languages that don't have those features when it comes to syntactical abstractions.
OK, then. I will just say that in my experience, C++ and Java don't have a huge difference in expressibility. What C++ may gain with syntactic tricks, it loses with manual memory management.
Anyway, in the face of Haskell and Lisp, the differences between java an C++ don't look that great.
C++ and C++ development are hugely different from Java and Java development. If Java and C++ don't look very different to you, it's because you need to take another look at C++. About the only thing they have in common is their hideous verbosity. You can write C++ as if it were like Java, but you can write C++ as if it were like Haskell, too. Given the question, "What mainstream language is most like Haskell," the answer is C++. Unlike Java, C++ is actually capable of sidestepping its limitations.
Pft, dude whatever. This is HN. We don't want lame-o languages like Java, or boring monads like Maybe. We want crazy languages like JavaScript, and the mother of all monads, the continuation monad. Here's an equivalent to what's posted in this article, but more powerful, and in JavaScript:
// Haskell typeclass equivalent is >>=
// which has a signature of:
// m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
// which in our case, is the more specific:
// Cont a b -> (b -> Cont a c) -> Cont a c
function bind(x, y) {
return function(k, end) {
return x(function(result) { return y(result)(k, end); }, end);
// 'yes' can also serve as identity for this monad. Haskell monad typeclass
// equivalent is 'return', not to be confused with JavaScript return. if
// this were an applicative functor, we would call it 'pure' instead, even
// though it does the same thing.
// b -> Cont a b
function yes(x) {
return function(k, end) { return k(x); };
// bail out.
// a -> Cont a b
function no(x) {
return function(k, end) { return end(x); };
// look up a user ID from a name string, in the context of a continuation
// monad. our type signature for this in Haskell would be:
// String -> Cont String UserId
// or something.
// 'UserId' would be a newtype wrapper around Integer, to prevent
// accidentally conflating it with account balance or another numeric type.
function userid_from_name(person_name) {
switch (person_name) {
case "Irek": return yes(1); // we have three user names in our system
case "John": return yes(2);
case "Alex": return yes(3);
case "Nick": return yes(1); // Nick is on the same acct as Irek
default: return no("No account associated with name " + person_name);
// UserId -> Cont String Balance
// 'Balance' would also be a wrapper around Integer type
function balance_from_userid(userid) {
switch (userid) {
case 1: return yes(1000000); // some amounts for a couple of accounts
case 2: return yes(75000);
default: return no("No balance associated with account #" + userid);
// Balance -> Cont String Balance
// we could do something fancier here if we liked, like pass the difference
// between the minimum required balance for a loan and the actual balance.
function balance_qualifies_for_loan(balance) {
if (balance > 200000) return yes(balance);
else return no("Insufficient funds for loan, current balance is " + balance);
// tada. put it all together.
// String -> String
function name_qualifies_for_loan(person_name) {
return bind(bind(userid_from_name(person_name), balance_from_userid),
function(x) { return "This person qualifies for a loan. Their \
account has a balance of: " + x; },
function(x) { return "Do not issue loan, reason given: " + x; }
Test some output:
> name_qualifies_for_loan("Irek");
"This person qualifies for a loan. Their account has a balance of:
> name_qualifies_for_loan("John");
"Do not issue loan, reason given: Insufficient funds for loan, current
balance is 75000"
> name_qualifies_for_loan("Alex");
"Do not issue loan, reason given: No balance associated with account #3"
> name_qualifies_for_loan("Nick");
"This person qualifies for a loan. Their account has a balance of:
> name_qualifies_for_loan("Foo");
"Do not issue loan, reason given: No account associated with name Foo"
This example actually looks a bit contrived... If your language supports exceptions, but doesn't support nice syntax for monads (i.e. you still have to write all the levels with bind and parentheses), why not simply throw() on error? I guess you would normally write something to support function like bindl(person_name, [userid_from_name, balance_from_userid, balance_qualifies_for_loan]) anyways... but that's still not that nice.
The call becomes simpler: balance_qualifies_for_loan(balance_from_userid(userid_from_name(person_name))), as well as functions which just return the value or throw.
You are critiquing this as if I were suggesting people use it in production JavaScript code, which I'm not. It's a demonstration. Did you read the original article? It has an example that's even more contrived (and also incomplete.) You aren't even pointing out the biggest reason not to use monads in JavaScript (no hints, sorry!)
Implementing exceptions with the continuation monad is straightforward. As you can see, that's sort of how it's used here. You can also recreate the State monad, Maybe, and others, deriving each from the continuation monad. I don't recommend this for actual use in JS, because JS lacks tail call optimization, which means any serious use of monads will cause stack overflows straight away.
But it gets crazier: you can implement the continuation monad using JavaScript exceptions. And JavaScript exceptions do cause the stack to reset (with a performance penalty). So if you derive a continuation monad in JS from its built-in exceptions mechanism, you can implement the other monads without breaking the stack.
You can also implement them with a setTimeout(0), which gives the browser's event loop a chance to run so that you don't lock up the browser forever. I did something like this with ArcLite, resetting the stack with a setTimeout(0) after ever top-level definition was parsed, so that it didn't take 30 seconds of unresponsive browser for the standard library to load. It occurred to me afterwards that I could've used this to implement continuations, but by then I was pretty much done with Arc development.
And I was kind of anticipating monads since I keep hearing that they just blow your mind and are hard to understand. So, I was happy to read this article and found it quite good actually :) Good job to the author.
Here's how I can summarize it: monads are a kind of pattern which "implements" ">>=" and "return" as a Int implements "eq" or "ord". The job of >>= is to act a little bit like the Null Pointer pattern in the OO world. For instance, if everything is ok, it returns the good value else it throws an exception or return an error value. However, to use the >>= function, you need to encapsulate your first value. Depending of monads, that "encapsulated" value may be different. In this article, we were working with the Maybe type, however, monads can be of any type. So, the "return" function takes care of encapsulating the value in the right type so that the >>= function can use it.
Anyhow, that's what I understood ;-) And I'll continue to read learnyouhaskell.com