I know that the author says this is a high level overview... but the extra features that DVCS hosting companies add on top of repository hosting is practically the entire value-add of using a repository hosting site vs. setting up your own server or just dropboxing your git projects.
I know I'm biased, but for me I could care less about features like price per GB. Features like GitHub's Branch List page, Compare View, Commit Comments, and Web UI are the entire reason I push private repositories.
Trust me, I wish I could afford to use Github. But with the twenty-something private repositories I have now I'd be shelling out $50 a month. I find this a bit pricey considering that these private repositories probably takes less than 50MB combined.
To get around the private repository cap one could use one repository with every project as a separate branch. But I imagine such a solution would be a PITA to manage.
The major factor was repository count. I eliminated all providers with restrictions on the amount of private repositories before comparing the remaining providers across disk space.
I've used RepositoryHosting.com for a bit over a year, and its one of the best deals I've ever gotten. We have a repo for each client project, so like the author we require unlimited repositories although our disk space needs are low.
We don't need the project management offerings that are included with Unfuddle and others, so its a good fit for us. I've worked with Unfuddle as well, and its a great deal if you'd benefit from some Basecampish features.
I only knew of about half of those, so the list alone is valuable to me. I'll have to try a few myself, thanks!
To those interested, I've been using Unfuddle for a while, and a super-basic review:
Pretty quick, clean, and most importantly loads of very helpful (?) documentation popups for n00bs (myself included). Someone who's never used Git can jump on Unfuddle and be functional very quickly. I believe they use Trac for a ticketing system, but I'm not familiar enough with it to say for sure.
Springloops -- link: http://springloops.com/ -- also do FTP/SFTP/SCP deployments and provide a much more flexible way of handling deployments in comparison to Beanstalk. The only let down is that they only support SVN at the moment, but I do know that if you ask for beta access you can use Git.
However, I've been waiting on them to implement Git functionality for well over 5 months now and still no luck :(
for private repos we just setup a separate git user on a cloud machine, add everyone's public keys and make backups. it's really not more hassle and then we don't have to explain to a client that their source lives somewhere other than an environment that we control.
Also missing from the list is ProjectLocker.com. They offer several Git plans[1]. I'm using their free plan for my private projects and am very happy with them.
Great table layouts. I was hoping for a large summarizing table at the end, however, because it was hard to directly compare two tables without a lot of scrolling.
Maybe I am missing what you're saying but the conclusion at the end summarizes everything quite nicely in context of the original purpose which is stated as "Please note that this is a fairly high level overview of DVCS hosting providers where I focused mainly on price for private repositories and allocated disk space."
Terrific and clear comparison. I've been wondering about where to go with private repos...thanks for answering this question and having clear recommendations.
I have several repositories with personal and client related code which needs to stay private (like wasitup‘s source).
Because what a tragedy it would be if someone saw the source code to a site that does an HTTP request and occasionally sends email. It would save a "competitor" like 15 seconds!
I know I'm biased, but for me I could care less about features like price per GB. Features like GitHub's Branch List page, Compare View, Commit Comments, and Web UI are the entire reason I push private repositories.