They are the foundations, and I recommended them in this very thread. But that's not what most of us would call "modern JS development". The amount of extra stuff between the foundations and current "best practices" is exactly the problem.
"best practices" is just a phrase. There is no objective proof that what people call "best practices" is at all. Far more often, I've seen it used as a protectionism for not learning or trying new things.
Stuff like minification you probably want a pre-existing tool to do. It's stupidly simple and not that difficulty to integrate into any build process.
But stuff like transpiling is completely optional. ES5 is a really high level language. There isn't anything particularly "wrong" with it, not any more so than most any other language you'll end up using.
Start with understanding \JS... then understand ES6 and CommonJS style modules. From there, understand that babel is just a tool to let you use new syntax, which has stabilized a tot since ES6, there's a few bits for async still baking, but that's to be expected. Beyond this is the node-style callback, and more about Promises and async.
These are the core of it all... from there, it's a matter of picking the lego pieces you want to use. What I described above is no more complex than the JVM or extended .Net APIs, especially when you pick all the target options there... in fact the footprint is a lot smaller. Yes, it's a little harder to build something with the 2000 piece lego generic pack than it is with the guided here's a pirate ship with all the parts laid out. But that's what engineering is all about.
If you're really stuck, start with a boilerplate or starter generator tool, there's a few of them for whatever direction you are leaning. Don't worry about picking "the right one"... there is no true path. No matter what you pick, you're going to hit a wall that conflicts with your sensibilities. Angular has the biggest adoption of any web framework ever and only has a 44% approval rating for reuse. That means a LOT of people pick wrong. Adapt, learn, grow...