Curious about the ratio here, and the poll mechanism seemed like a good way to get an estimate. Wouldn't want to force lurkers to actually say something...
On a site like this the lurkers always greatly outnumber the posters. Over the past 24 hours we've probably had around 8000 unique visitors, of which 234 have posted links or made comments:
So 2.9% post and 97% lurk. The proportion of posters is actually higher than I would have predicted, based on what I remember about such numbers from Reddit.
[/me restrains overwhelming urge to point out the fundamental errors in the design of this poll. :]
[/me nourishes secret hope that the poll fad will die out soon.]
So, let's see: If you comment, but almost never submit, I presume you are nonetheless a "poster". So, that's me.
I sometimes feel guilty for not contributing more. Then I remember that if I were trolling the interwebs for interesting content I would be spending even more time not working, and I get over the guilt.
Its good this way, with more lurkers than posters. Why? Because very often lurkers don't have anything good to say, and those who have nothing good to say ought not to say anything.
Unfortunately, there are those who don't abide by that, and thus we get those ugly trolls.
I've gone back to lurking having been rather swiftly shouted down by a group of identikit hivemiders determined to prove the negative cliches of programmers as petty, rude and emotionally retarded.
Edit: ooooh, click your little down arrows, that'll show me... lol