I agree that for some devices it doesn't make sense. But having the power to take a device offline, and know in your bones that it is offline, is useful.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to control it all from your router too. But if your home router gets hacked, or there's a devastating crypto vulnerability, or you suspect your teakettle is ratting you out to the NSA, you should still be able to boil water with it.
Finally, a mandatory physical switch would remind people (and inform them) of just how much stuff they use is now net-connected.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to control it all from your router too. But if your home router gets hacked, or there's a devastating crypto vulnerability, or you suspect your teakettle is ratting you out to the NSA, you should still be able to boil water with it.
Finally, a mandatory physical switch would remind people (and inform them) of just how much stuff they use is now net-connected.