You probably are aware, but AWS has a container orchestration service built into the platform with ECS. The container agent is open source (
In my experience, ECS is easy to run, as it's a first class part of the platform. Boot up the right "cattle" AMIs with the right ASG configuration and you're good to go.
K8, Docker Swarm, Mesos and Nomad have plenty of documented success but you to stand up and operate the orchestration layer yourself. This is booting up "pet" AMIs and making sure they are monitored, etc. Then you boot up your "cattle" AMIs to run your apps.
The Convox philosophy is that you get application portability by packaging your app correctly with Docker. The orchestration layer should be invisible, something that you shouldn't build or operate yourself.
We run Rancher[1], which is open source, across multiple AWS regions using a single ELB endpoint for container orchestration into different environments. You can use the stock AWS AMIs for the instances and Rancher also provides RancherOS AMIs that work extremely well.
Rancher also has k8s as an option and makes deploying it much easier.
I've a few questions for AWS experts :
The only container orchestration that is open source seems to be Kubernetes. Is it easy to run on AWS?
What's the equivalent of Azure "Service Fabric" in the AWS world? (and in the Google Cloud?)