The problem is going to solve itself, just like it solves itself already. Before volumetric DDOS became widespread, no ISPs cared enough to do anything about it, the risk simply didn't worth anything to put resources into dealing with it. Today it does and many deploy some measures to quickly react and at least null route targeting IPs to minimize impact on the rest of their customer. Some IXs and large networks even provide filtering capabilities for free to filter those attacks closer to the sources and avoid sending large volumes of traffic through their networks.
You say that like "ISPs" are some mythical non-human entity. SOMEONE has to make that decision, and the more educated on the topic of potential threats the person making the decision is, the better the reaction time and mitigation of issues will be.
The post above was publicly broadcast in hopes that the person who makes the decision reads HN, not because it is expected that the common everyday Joe reader will do something about it.
So, don't worry about it.