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I made a Chrome extension to show how you surf all over Wikipedia (zetabee.com)
5 points by chime on April 15, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I'll have a Firefox version soon. Here's an example of how I went from PhD to Burma and then some: http://wikitrail.zetabee.com/share?n=wt4bc6884b2a0959.146948...

For xkcd fans, this is the problem I'm trying to tackle: http://xkcd.com/214/

I think you should make it a page action instead of a browser action because there is no reason for it to appear unless I'm on wikipedia.


Button space on chrome is valuable real estate. Don't want zombies sucking up the space when not needed. Cool extension though.

I'd use it if you made it a page action.

It is a content script that calls the background.html. The content script only runs on Wikipedia/TVTropes domains. The browser action is just to open the WikiTrail page. This way you can access it from the toolbar instead of first visiting Wikipedia.

Edit: Ok, I understand what you mean. I'll try to make it a page action and post an update here.

I'm not sure if I'm willing to commit to a button that only serves as a bookmark. Other extensions handle this by using the options page for such a page. Button spam is a serious problem on Chrome, everyone wants to be a browser action when few actually offer meaningful features for such buttons. Xmarks is a great example of this. It's just a menu.

On another note you might want to submit this to /r/chrome subreddit on reddit.

Try it out now: http://wikitrail.zetabee.com - it is a page action that shows up on wikipedia.org and tvtropes.org.

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