Imagine you are a news outlet. You make money by creating articles that entice people to view your website. You make money to pay your expenses by having advertisements on your website.
DDoS = No Website. No Website = no users viewing ads. No users viewing ads = No income.
Yes, that typically resolves quickly. Depending on your hosting agreement, you may have to pay for all the excess bandwidth that the DDoS bots used.
Now imagine if you are a bank, users want to be able to access their accounts/funds/etc. How long would you remain with your bank if you frequently couldn't access your information because they were being DDoS'd.
DDoS = No Website. No Website = no users viewing ads. No users viewing ads = No income.
Yes, that typically resolves quickly. Depending on your hosting agreement, you may have to pay for all the excess bandwidth that the DDoS bots used.
Now imagine if you are a bank, users want to be able to access their accounts/funds/etc. How long would you remain with your bank if you frequently couldn't access your information because they were being DDoS'd.