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Typical use cases are:

* fraud and anomaly detection

* recommender systems

* predictive analytics (churn, forecasting)

* image recognition

With image recognition, we hit 98% accuracy on a recent project. Until a few years ago, that was unheard of, and it's simply not possible with other algorithms, so for many companies, deep neural nets can make a significant difference.

Here are two news stories about work we've done for clients:

Making deep learning accessible on Openstack https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/25/making-deep-learning-...

For Canonical, we built a solution that predicts server breakdowns.

For France Telecom's mobile unit, Orange, we built a fraud detection solution using anomaly detection:


Really cool and interesting. Looks like deep learning and AI is going to make some significant strides in the tech industry. I read somewhere that there is still a lack of professionals to expedite the adoption in the wild. What additional skills are required by your regular full stack software engineer to be useful for a deep learning company? I know there are courses out there but I am not sure if they are too academic. Are there specific technologies that one should be playing with?

It varies. Sometimes it's just understanding enough about data to build data products. (Eg: a website with a recommendation engine component)

Knowing data visualization can also be useful.

Most deep learning companies focus on a particular application.

FWIW I'm actually self taught. I did client projects and learned machine learning on my own.

You could start by branching in to data engineering and understanding how data pipelines work. That's closer to the skills a full stack developer is likely to have.

Very interesting. Thanks for the insight.

Are there some documented and testable examples of fraud and anomaly detection via deep learning? I'm asking from being able to play around / learn more about this domain.

A lot of it is actually our customers. We've been covering that kind of R&D ourselves. That's the fun of being able to look at applications outside of the google,fb hype.

Thats interesting. Would you recommend any learning material for the fraud/anamoly detection using deep learning? Any available datasets one can play with?

That's actually a big problem. Very few datasets out there, because the data tends to be sensitive.

Here's one we use for demos: https://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/australian-centre-for-cyber-sec...

Can you go into more detail on the image recognition? Do you mean AR-style image recognition ("find exactly this image"), or more image /classification/ (here's what's in this image)?

Both. Given an example: Sentiment analysis on a car show floor detecting sentiment of buyers. It can also just be binary: "Is this object present or not?"

Run that by me again.. So you have an algorithm that attaches to a camera in a car shop and can determine the likelihood that a buyer is interested in the car?

That's pretty awesome and scary in equal measure..

A neural net that recognizes sentiment of facial expressions based on camera footage.

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