+1 for HN on iPad. Sometimes you're taking a break from working and just want to catch up on the news a bit. What better place to do so than relaxing on your couch?
Yes, it would. All other things being absolutely identical.
But I suspect what you are really saying is "wouldn't it be better if you had a completely different device by a different company running different software with a significantly less polished and pleasant experience every single time you use it for the very rare occasion that there's some code in a HN comment or linked article which is complete enough to copy and run, and also in a language which you have an environment and libraries for, and also which does something you are interested in and also which you are motivated enough to interrupt your reading to run".
I'm not sure I follow... What code? If, while relaxing and reading news, I come across something I absolutely must run (a pretty unlikely scenario) I can simply email paste it into an email to myself.