We're building a really high quality question and answer site designed to be continually improving.
The team is 4 people right now but are growing to 7 by the end of April. We recently raised a Series A from Benchmark.
One of the interesting things we've built is a system for automatically keeping webpages up to date (views are always in sync with the model) without writing any special application code to do that.
We're building a really high quality question and answer site designed to be continually improving.
The team is 4 people right now but are growing to 7 by the end of April. We recently raised a Series A from Benchmark.
One of the interesting things we've built is a system for automatically keeping webpages up to date (views are always in sync with the model) without writing any special application code to do that.
You can try out our beta by signing up at http://www.quora.com/hackernews