If Mike is still here in the comments, can you talk a little bit about versioning support? Is this something that's on the roadmap at all, or something that Homebrew has a strong opinion about?
In general, it's a very useful (and pleasant to use!) tool - except for when trying to manage different versions of the same dependency on the same system. Since this is such a big deviation from most package managers, and feels intentional, I'd like to understand why, and whether there is a "homebrew way" of approaching multi-version management.
In general, it's a very useful (and pleasant to use!) tool - except for when trying to manage different versions of the same dependency on the same system. Since this is such a big deviation from most package managers, and feels intentional, I'd like to understand why, and whether there is a "homebrew way" of approaching multi-version management.
Thanks again for all of your hard work!