In the blog post we were using 27dBm transmissions. At that level the radio and power amplifier draw about 1.5W. If a transmission takes .3seconds that's .5Watt-seconds. So with a single AA battery (about 5Wh) you can do 40000 transmissions.
Transmissions can be much shorter in time depending on radio parameters, by a factor of 32 at most, but range can be affected.
In the blog post we were using 27dBm transmissions. At that level the radio and power amplifier draw about 1.5W. If a transmission takes .3seconds that's .5Watt-seconds. So with a single AA battery (about 5Wh) you can do 40000 transmissions.
Transmissions can be much shorter in time depending on radio parameters, by a factor of 32 at most, but range can be affected.