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It's about to get bigger because of Hams being able to put up antennas in places that now have deed restrictions.

On getting a license, you no longer need to know Morse code, about 20% of the questions are easy safety questions.

Do a search for a local ham radio club, lots of them run a 3 hour license class. At the end you take the test and 99% pass.

I don't think most people that enter the hobby get a license that would grant them access to bands on which the lack of an outdoor antenna is a hinderance.

They usually get a technician license, which gives them access to the 2-meter band, and that can be accessed from a hand-held radio with a built-in, tiny antenna.

So, really, I don't think this law will result in any significant growth in the hobby. The people who will benefit from it will be the more advanced hams (of which there are a lot fewer), and the people they serve.

Technicians also get 6 meters, and SSB/RTTY/data on 10 meters, so might have use for for an outdoor antenna. (And if they learn Morse code, they have CW access on 15, 40, and 80 meters).

Local hams are working on a dual 2.4 and 5mhz mesh network. From inside the house, I can't get to anyone. With an antenna @ 10 above the roofline, I can get to 2 of them.

Likewise, I can hit one repeater very well and two others with some noise. Same 10' above the roof! I can get to about 10 with full copy.

Both are cases of tech level license access. I'm an Extra, seldom use HF, but want the rule to give me better VHF/UHF access.

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