I am not sure I understand where you took your numbers from.
Regardless, you compare apples to oranges. I believe it is HIGHLY incorrect to compare the number of homeless people from cities located in DIFFERENT countries.
Comparing to the US, Canada has much stronger social policies including financial aid and free health care that lead to a smaller number of people sleeping on the streets who ended up there because of financial troubles and losing their home/livelihood.
Quebec province is even better in this sense. In Montreal specifically, our hobos are mostly drunks and young people who had troubles at home.
Here are the numbers of people experiencing homeless state on a given night:
I am not sure I understand where you took
your numbers from.
The links I listed give 3,016 homeless people for Montreal and 6,686 for SF. Dividing by their populations, you get the per-capita rates I gave.
I believe it is HIGHLY incorrect to compare the
number of homeless people from cities located in
DIFFERENT countries.
Yes, I'm sure country has an effect, and we can't count the entire SF vs Montreal difference as being due to weather. Similarly, different cities have different institutions and are otherwise, so figuring out the effect of weather is pretty hard.
[1] http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/results-of-montre...
[2] http://sfmayor.org/sites/default/files/FileCenter/Documents/...