This is good. I hope Google puts this book (which the author has made freely available now) [1] also in their results.
This way, if a relatively highly educated person (e.g. a person with university degree) searches something related to ISIS, gets a chance to read this eye-opening book about the roots of the evil ideology of Islam, which is what ISIS is based on.
More important thing to note here is that with Islam we are facing similar problems as the problems faced by the Europeans during the times of Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo when there was a reign of the church and Bible through kings. Fortunately and due to the enormous sacrifices and efforts made by many humans at that time, the west has successfully defeated the vice regime of Christianity and Church [2].
So we must understand that currently the biggest threat to the western freedom loving society is from the vicious ideology of Islam which is at crossroads with the modern liberal western civilized world. There is a great threat also from the pseudo-liberals who are practicing double standards when it comes to the issue of critical study of Islam. These pseudo-liberal Islam apologists (whether bought and paid for or not) are hunting down any thoughtful and legitimate criticism of Islam, its prophet Muhammad and its scriptures from the public discourses. They are using various types of pressure tactics for this. For example, they are labeling any criticism of Islam as racist attacks on Muslims or as Islamophobia or as right wing acts. The freedom lovers, liberals and humanists must understand this threat posed by the vicious ideology of mainstream Islam. These views by Bill Maher and Sam Harris may help understand this point in a better way. [3], [4], [5]
Should we be against Muslims? No, we must distinguish between Islam as ideology and Muslims as victims of this vicious ideology.
In fact, it should be noted that the fight must be with Islam and not with general Muslim population and that the fight must be on the ideological front.
This way, if a relatively highly educated person (e.g. a person with university degree) searches something related to ISIS, gets a chance to read this eye-opening book about the roots of the evil ideology of Islam, which is what ISIS is based on.
More important thing to note here is that with Islam we are facing similar problems as the problems faced by the Europeans during the times of Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo when there was a reign of the church and Bible through kings. Fortunately and due to the enormous sacrifices and efforts made by many humans at that time, the west has successfully defeated the vice regime of Christianity and Church [2].
So we must understand that currently the biggest threat to the western freedom loving society is from the vicious ideology of Islam which is at crossroads with the modern liberal western civilized world. There is a great threat also from the pseudo-liberals who are practicing double standards when it comes to the issue of critical study of Islam. These pseudo-liberal Islam apologists (whether bought and paid for or not) are hunting down any thoughtful and legitimate criticism of Islam, its prophet Muhammad and its scriptures from the public discourses. They are using various types of pressure tactics for this. For example, they are labeling any criticism of Islam as racist attacks on Muslims or as Islamophobia or as right wing acts. The freedom lovers, liberals and humanists must understand this threat posed by the vicious ideology of mainstream Islam. These views by Bill Maher and Sam Harris may help understand this point in a better way. [3], [4], [5]
Should we be against Muslims? No, we must distinguish between Islam as ideology and Muslims as victims of this vicious ideology.
In fact, it should be noted that the fight must be with Islam and not with general Muslim population and that the fight must be on the ideological front.