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"Are we doing enough?"

This question is spot on. We have this planet, our habitat, in our hands. Overexploition of natural recources can bring our ecosystem in dire straits, and us with it. We can loose so much. About time to use technology to change this. And about time to change out behaviour en masse.

Meh, gotta rewrite our frontend in Angular 2 to impress YC and cash out on our IoT razor blade disposal community.

I take that as bleeding edge sarcasm :^)

There are many startup endeavours that aim to use tech for the better of our ecosystem e.g. all the startups affiliated with the New Harvest Community (http://new-harvest.org).

>> blade disposal

>> bleeding edge

It feels inevitable we're going to end up spraying sulfate into the air to keep cool, because that's by far the cheapest solution to global warming.

It also doesn't fix any of the fundamental problems.

Maybe a sign of (rather unintelligent) industrialized life on other planets would be sulfate aerosol spectra in the atmosphere too consistent to be explained by vulcanism...

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